Consigner: AVILA FARMS | DOB: 3/28/2022 • ABBA# 1048345 • RED • BRED COW
Consigner: AVILA FARMS | View Terms and Conditions | View Catalog Online
If you are at the sale looking to purchase great American Brahman cattle, this is one that you better listen
to. Phenotypically, this is one that they don’t make every day. She is so clean and upheaded out of her front one-third onto her center body. When she gets out and
moves, you love her for how she can functionally fulfill her tracks every time. Rhineaux Roja is sired by CT Mr. Elmeaux Rhineaux 1/7, who was the TWO-TIME Reserve
International Champion Red Bull. As you can tell from his name, 1/7 is the result of crossing the National Champion and globally influential +JDH Mr. Elmo Manso with
the many-time champion and now #1 Register of Renown Cow in the breed, +CT Lady Rhineaux Ray 8/9. Recently, he sired the Overall Calf Champion Red Female at the
2022 Bluebonnet Kickoff Classic Show, CT MS SMOKIN RED ELMEAUX 50/1. The dam to this outstanding female is Lady H White Gold Rojo, sired by Mr. H Gold Rush 478 and
out of the register of renowned female, +Miss JS Rouge 494/5. To top this offering off, Rhineaux Roja ranks at the top of the breed for traits such as milk, weaning weight,
carcass weight, and REA. As a bonus, this female will come to the sale bred to KR Mr. Red Brass 615, also selling in the sale. You be your judge, folks, but we KNOW that
this female will rise to the top. Don’t miss out on AF Miss Rhineaux Roja!